How to use AI in employee recruitment and retention
Machine learning can help streamline these processes without taking humanity out of the equation.
Although much of the chatter around artificial intelligence today focuses on its encroachment into creative pursuits — writing, image and video generation — savvy business leaders and comms pros are eyeing the ways advancements in this tech can level up operations. Proceed Reading
Building A Fair And Successful Workplace Within The Law
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have become a cornerstone of successful businesses in the 21st century. Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, devotes a substantial portion of his recent letter to shareholders emphasizing the importance of DEI to the business. Proceed Reading
Purpose, Pride, and Fun Among Top Factors for Employee Retention
The Society for Human Resource Management says that employers can expect to pay an average of $4,700 per new hire – but others say that cost is too conservative. The high cost of hiring means that retaining employees is more important than ever. Proceed Reading